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ISO/IEC 17020:2012 – Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection – Internal Auditors

Aim of The Course

-To provide training in the standard to enable Participants to understand the application

of ISO 17020;

– Participants will learn the standard clause by clause and gain an understanding of how accreditation concepts apply to inspection bodies, how compliance with ISO standards can improve methods and processes, and how to achieve compliance

– Participants will understanding of risk-based thinking from an international standards perspective.

-Participants will identify and analyze non-conforming scenarios using a variety of techniques and will practice using various cause analysis and corrective action selection processes to support process improvement.

-To provide an introduction to the IQAS assessment and accreditation process.

Target Attendees

Target learners include Inspection Body Directors, Managers, Auditors, or Engineers.

Course details
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • One week