Introduction to Reservoir Engineering
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- Introduction
- Subsurface Pressures
- Why understanding pressures is so important
- Fundamentals of normally pressured, overpressured and underpressured formations
- Overpressures and how to detect them
- Overpressures due to hydrocarbons
- Reservoir Drive mechanisms (primary and secondary recovery)
- Logging whilst drilling (LWD)
- Reservoir Rock Properties
- Porosity
- Permeability (absolute, Kv, Kh, problems of averaging,)
- Capillary Pressure
- Effective and relative permeability
- Mobility ratio & the concept of immiscible displacement
- Well Testing
- RFT & MDT – mechanics, theory, application and interpretation in exploration and development
- DST – mechanics, theory, application and interpretation (introduction)
- DST – productivity testing, introduction to transient flow testing, flow regime concept
- Quantitative radial flow analysis for reservoir properties, skin
- Quantitative radial flow analysis for reservoir properties, skin (continued)
- Recognising reservoir boundaries and depletion, well testing quiz
- Reservoir Fluid properties
- Sampling of reservoir fluids
- Petroleum types and properties
- Fluid behaviour in the reservoir (bubble point, dew point, etc) and its implications for field development
- Concepts in field appraisal and development
- Overview of objectives in appraisal and development programs
- One phase and two phase expansion, gravity drainage, water drive, rock compressibility
- Concept of depletion
- Pressure support mechanisms (water injection, gas reinjection etc)
- Recovery factors
- Factors that control them and ways to estimate them (analytical techniques, reservoir simulation)
- Overview of displacement theory, effect of reservoir heterogeneity
- Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Artificial Lift & Reservoir Stimulation
- Types of reservoir stimulation