HAZOP Training
Who Should Attend:
Personnel; from drilling , productiopn and process desciplines, Managers, Supervisors, Senior process operators, Process operators, Safety personnel & Plant Engineers.
This one week course aims to provide an understanding of ‘hazard and operability study method (HAZOP). HAZOP is highly practical and widely proven method of hazard analysis. It is applied to determine the likelihood of unscheduled events arising in normal operations which require appropriate mitigating action to be taken.
In this training programme the candidate will get the opportunity to learn and understand the need and relevance of HAZOP. Recognise those operability problems revealed by HAZOP study which cannot be answered satisfactorily on a qualitative basis and hence merit further evaluation by quantitative means to establish occurrence probability and frequency levels.
Risk & Hazards at the workplace
- Definition of terms (hazard, risk, HAZOP, HAZAN, risk assessment, danger, load, injury, safety psychology, risk rating, safety survey, safety audit.
- Hazard Control & Safety working environment
- The safety culture and non blaming culture at workplace
- Development of proactive safety culture and How to promote safety culture
- Attitudes in the workplace & Manager operator relationships
- Assessing Risk potential of a facility and risk rating score technique
- Types of hazards in your workplace
Hazard Assessment & Hazardous Areas
- How to identify Hazards in the Workplace
- Hazard effect (RIDDOR definitions. Non injury losses, probability,……….)
- Problem Solving & Eliminating hazards (required control, check existing control measures, legal requirements, Methods of Protection………..etc.
- Description & Definitions of hazardous Zoning ( European, America, international)
- Introduction to control of substances hazardous to heath (COSHH regulations and applications).
- Safety of Hazardous Equipment, (Marking & Certification of Equipment)
The character and treatment of hazards (Qualitative Hazard Analysis)
- Results from Hazard Quantification procedures
- The structure of hazard analysis
- Construction of cause and Fault Tree
- Learn how to do Covering a cause tree into a fault tree
- How to evaluate a fault tree
- Probability Analysis (examples of cause trees)
- Calculations on hazard rates
- Hazard Identification & Control Programme
HAZOP technique in Hazard Identification & Control
- The purpose of HAZOP study technique
- Applications and need for HAZOP method
- HAZOP study procedure
- Application to differing process modes
- Demonstration of the method
- HAZOP study, action report
- Human operator reliability
- General Techniques of Hazard Identification
- Use of HAZOP Technique
- Analysis of information from P&I diagrams, PFD, etc.
- Composition & Selection of the team
- Preparation of HAZOP Reports